From Icewall Port: 2nw, 2w, nw, n, nw, e, n, 2u, 2n, u, enter trail. Levels: 20-30. _________Narrow Ledge Curving----Narrow Ledge Curving / Around The North Face---Around The North Face / \ / Further Inside A----Further Inside A----Inside A----Before A Cave Near The / / Large Cave----------Large Cave------Large Cave----Top Of The Mountain / / \ | / (up)/ A Narrow An Alcove Within Narrow Ledge Further Alcove The Large Cave Up The Mountainside \(down) / Into The / Heart / Deeper Into \(down) Inside The-----Before A Small Cave / The Dark Cave Lair Of The---In The Small cave-----On The Mountainside / | Taen'ari-----Heart /(up) Before The---A DarK Cave On At The Mouth----A Narrow Ledge Further Dark Cave----The Mountainside Of The Tunnel----Up The Mountainside \ / A Hidden Tunnel-----An Intersection Within---A Bend In The Within The Mountain-----The Hidden Tunnel------Hidden Tunnel | A Hidden Tunnel Within The Cave \ A Dark Cave On The Mountainside | Outside The A Narrow Ledge Near The Dark Cave Base Of The Mountain \(up) / \(up) (entrance) Ascending The Ascending The---A Path Leading Mountain Mountain------To The Mountain EQ Guide: AC Equipment a torn white poncho 20 /// Weapons a mithril whip 24 3d5 (9) Magic, Two-Handed whip Beastiary: Creature: a fiendish lurker Race: golem ---------------------------------------------------------- a fiendish lurker appears to be a more neutral soul. Their wealth appears to be 0 gold and 0 silver They appear to be none. The base health of this creature is 345. The base magically ability of this creature is 225. This creature is upon the cycle of training '20' This creature does 2d8 damage in a crush manner. The creature has the following characteristics: Offensive Tactics:area attack trip crush Immunities: summon charm fire cold disease tornado wood Vulnerbilities: blunt This creature is affected by invisible detect_invis detect_hidden infrared hide camouflage haste dark vision Creature: Na'tas-ha Race: yinn ---------------------------------------------------------- Na'tas-ha appears to be a evil and corrupt soul. Their wealth appears to be 0 gold and 0 silver They appear to be male. The base health of this creature is 900. The base magically ability of this creature is 450. This creature is upon the cycle of training '29' This creature does 2d12 damage in a pound manner. The creature has the following characteristics: Immunities: summon charm tornado Resistances: cold lightning Vulnerbilities: fire This creature is affected by detect_invis detect_hidden infrared berserk dark vision Creature: a taen'ari daemon Race: demon ---------------------------------------------------------- a taen'ari daemon appears to be a evil and corrupt soul. Their wealth appears to be 0 gold and 0 silver They appear to be male. The base health of this creature is 889. The base magically ability of this creature is 393. This creature is upon the cycle of training '30' This creature does 4d6 damage in a life drain manner. The creature has the following characteristics: Offensive Tactics:area attack bash berserk disarm fast kick kick_dirt parry trip crush Immunities: summon charm fire cold lightning poison negative mental disease drowning tornado Vulnerbilities: holy This creature is affected by detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary infrared prot_good sneak camouflage flying berserk haste dark vision