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Scorn View Drop Down

Joined: 25 January 2003
Location: United States
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Points: 8780
Direct Link To This Post Topic: The Forum Rules
    Posted: 03 October 2011 at 10:48am

The purpose of the DSL forums is to provide a place for members to gather and communicate, to encourage and inspire one another on playing the game. All posts should be submitted in that spirit and attitude.

Is the DSL forum a democratic resource, meaning, you can just say whatever you want? No it is not. There are other forums not part of this site - designed to do this.

The following examples are NOT what the DSL forums are designed for:

- Solicitation for business purposes is strictly prohibited. Don't try and recruit people as your customers on this forum.   If you are in doubt of what you can post or link to, ask me in a PM. As we are a community, there are some instances where recruiting some business is ok. However, YOU MUST GET PERMISSION FIRST. (PM Scorn)

- Discussing or referencing ANY OTHER MMO (Persistent Online games) is strictly prohibited. This includes links to them. Use your personal Social Media accounts for this if you must. Single player and co-op games are fine to discuss. (such as Call of Duty, Starcraft, Diablo 3, etc)

- Evangelizing people to your faith whether Christian, Muslim, or whatever is also prohibited. Signatures with Scripture references are fine, but do NOT try and proactively persuade people to your religious orientation through the forums. The same can be said with anti-religious propoganda. Respect everyone's beliefs.

- The community here is made up from all over the world. Respect each others nationalities and political views. It is ok to discuss such things as long as you remain polite.

- If you have a complaint or gripe about the website, another member on DSL, and/or anything game related you should email Scorn and he will discuss it with you personally. Email at scorn@dsl-mud.org.

- Personal attacks, harassment or hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated.

- Criticisms of the game is expected but are not intended as a purpose of the forums. We are not beyond criticism but the DSL forums are not the place for non constructive criticism. The forums are designed to inspire and encourage people to play DSL. If you have an issue with an immortal or another player, email Scorn at scorn@dsl-mud.org.

- We stick by a code of common decency in this forum. If you must curse or reference sexual or adult themed material, use the Over 18 section of the forums. You must ALWAYS remain polite.

The last rule: The Immortals best judgment is the final call.

Translation: The Immortals can do whatever they want. If they want to delete a post, they can. If they want to lock a topic, they can. You do not have the right to publically complain.

If you feel someone is violating the forum rules please PM or Email Scorn or Kyri and we'll look into it.

Violators will be dealt with, including being banned. You may also suffer in-game penalties for your forum behaviour. It's easy to find out who you play, despite your forum name.

By using the DSL forum you agree to be held accountable to these rules and agree to the conditions of violation.


Each time before you hit the "Post Reply" button, it's a good idea to ask yourself these questions:

1. If I thought about this a little longer, would I still feel this way or be so upset?

2. Would I say this to someone face-to-face if I knew the person?

3. Could this get me a warning from the immortals?

Locking of threads, warnings from immortals and banning of members are all options, but we try to rarely use them in the hopes our community can be adults in their discussions.

If your thread has disappeared, do not repost it. Do not make a post asking why. Contact an immortal if you have any questions.


The censored words list is in place for a reason.

Attempting to circumvent the words on the list is even more sinister than the reason it was created in the first place and is completely unacceptable.

No points are awarded for creativity in this online community. Only thumps from moderators.

Pick up a thesaurus.

Edited by Scorn - 04 October 2011 at 9:36am
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