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Auto bless/fproof your gear!

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Category: Mud Client Help
Forum Name: Mac Client Scripts
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Topic: Auto bless/fproof your gear!
Posted By: alexk
Subject: Auto bless/fproof your gear!
Date Posted: 03 December 2010 at 10:10am
That's right! You read that right!

I was tired to doing this by hand, so I made a modular function for it.

How does it work?

Type in 'equipment' and it will store your equipment in memory.

Then when you type in /blessup it will bless and fproof your gear.

This is not guaranteed to work with all of your gear if the keywords are wierd, but it works for 80% of the gear I think.

Let me know if you have any issues.

Download the updated here: -

Posted By: gnome power
Date Posted: 03 December 2010 at 10:32am
Alex, you rock.

I already made a personal bless/fproof gear alias by hand, but I had to make it very specific for my gear set.

I wonder how well yours works.

Posted By: alexk
Date Posted: 03 December 2010 at 10:38am
Try it out and let me know... I added some space for special cases, but I think in the future I will try to make a system that stores preferences for a given character, so it can be even smarter (know what command to use, if you want to use wands, etc).

Posted By: Chryyz
Date Posted: 03 December 2010 at 1:13pm
Ahem. use '<string>' to further specify what you're casting on. You can further improve your script with that.

i.e. If I have
1) some gossamer cloth sleeves
2) some gossamer cloth leggings
and sleeves matches "cloth" or "gossamer" first, I only have to type c 'fireproof' 'cloth leg' they don't necessarily have to be in the proper order, so long as what you're encasing with '' are tags on the item. 'cloth gossamer leggings', 'gossamer leggings', and 'leggings cloth gossamer' will all match. 'some gossamer cloth leggings' however, will not.

Posted By: alexk
Date Posted: 03 December 2010 at 1:19pm
Yeah, I was messing around with this and realized it has a lot of weaknesses still.

It assumes you are using the same rings and bracers for now. I also haven't tested on a full set of gear. I'll have to dust off an old alt and keep improving this... thanks for the feedback!

Posted By: alexk
Date Posted: 03 December 2010 at 2:23pm
Ok, I just did another update, this time it should be a lot better :)

Let me know if it works better now!

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