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Thorn Keep
(Owners of this keep receive the thorn aura spell effect)
Current Owners: Conclave
Taken From: Shalonesti

The Citadel
(Owners of this  keep receive bonus saves)
Current Owners: Bloodlust
Taken From: Justice

Misery Keep
(Owners of this keep controls the veil of misery spell)
Current Owners: Conclave
Taken From: Shalonesti

Current Spell Target: Chaos

Purgatory Keep
(Owners of this keep receive the Purgatory XP Bonus)
Current Owners: New_Thalos
Last Owners: Verminasia

NorthEast Underworld Keep
Current Owners: Slayers
NorthWest Underworld Keep
Current Owners: Slayers
SouthEast Underworld Keep
Current Owners: Slayers
SouthWest Underworld Keep
Current Owners: Slayers

New Bard Reclass in Development
(Friday May 31, 2024)

The new Bard reclass known as the OVATE is in development.  Some would call them "Seed Singers".

Ovates are practitioners of an ancient art, one as old as the forests of Icewall and the earliest caretakers of the Shalonesti Vallenwood. It is the art of seed-singing, a practice mastered not only by the elves in their sacred woods, but also the northern humans who fled the destruction of Serpantol and took refuge in the Highlands, bringing the knowledge from the old world with them to a new land.

Seed-singers are a primarily casting-oriented bardic reclass, one that draws parallels to druids, but exists separate from them. They are not as robust as skalds or brewmasters, nor as physically flexible as jongleurs, but they command the forces of nature to act on their behalf, shaping their environment and utilizing the world as their weapon against their foes.

Nitty Gritty Details:

Armor: Leather
THAC0: Druid-level
HP gains: Cleric-level
Mana gains: Cleric-level

SUPER: Human, Shalonesti Elf, Kender (kender are notorious for their love of leaf)
Boost: Wild-Elf, Ariel, Half-Elf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Dwarf
Gimped: Mul, Dark Dwarf, Sea-Elf


Ovates do not "sing" their unique spells like other bardics do, but instead use
a new command to utilize their power: Grow. Grow is fundamentally identical
mechanically to sing, but utilizes a unique echo, similar to how runesmiths must
"smith" their spells instead of "cast" them.

Ovates cast at-level.

The songs, spells and new mechanics will be delivered in full near time of release which is estimated right after this years DSL convention.  (August 1st-ish)  This class is currently past the design phase and in coding/testing.



Untitled Document

A Dire Crisis in Abaddon - Whispers of a Bloodwar
(Sunday June 2, 2024)

Beyond the mists that conceal Abaddon from prying eyes and the ruinous light of day, shadowy figures lurk about the bloodland's borders, testing its natural defenses.  

Deep within the Crypts, the Queens Philyra and Tifara remain barely sustained by a globe of dark blood - enough to forestall their death yet insufficient to allow their recovery without the sanguine Gift of many Elder Vampires. 

Three of the Eldercoven, Sigmond von Reist, Bellaine Ives, and Lilthra Lex are said to have shown fealty to the Vampire Queens and offered Abaddon their aid - for a price.

But others see opportunity for themselves, and Caustus and Belstrad have set their eyes on the Throne of Abaddon and prepare to put an end to the Queens. Each Vampire Lord vies to take the power of Abaddon for themselves, and if rumors are to be believed, both their attacks have been narrowly defeated.

Turmoil in Abaddon prevails, their fate balanced on a knife's edge.


Chaos Reigns in the Fort of Iron - Fires of the Everwar
(Sunday June 2, 2024)

Whether the Marauders sought to turn to worship of Chaos or merely ally themselves with it to pursue the next great war remains unknown to much of Algoron. What began as support for 'freedom of choice' spiraled quickly out of control.

Many within the Marauders defected, but just as many rushed to Fort Ironclad in support of this bold, if reckless, decision including known champions of the Warp itself. But over time, opposition and denouncement by all Kingdoms led to an exodus from the Marauders, and the soldiers within turned on their comrades branded with the mark of the Everwar.

A tempest, said to be sent by Zandreya pummels the Marauders with unrelenting storms for their arrogance, but the corruption of Chaos is not easily wiped clean and some say Raije, the God of War is even pleased by the strife and desires war to ravage the continent once more by any means.

But signs of the Cult of the Everchosen have begun to emerge again.

In ritual, mania and gore, the Warp prepares both means and methods to break the bones of their enemy and suck its marrow dry.

Their true aim, heeded by the Warpspeaker, is not to kill or maim, not to lay conquest or besiege, but to ruin, to despoil, and to leave so ghastly a worldwound to make the Gods themselves weep.


Player Killer of the Week
[Bloodlust] Tobryck - Crusader Giant ogre - Bloodlust

Top 20 Player Killers of the Week

Rank Name Kills Clan Class Race
1 Tobryck 4 Bloodlust Crusader Giant ogre
2 Jahrial 4 Slayers Dragonslayer Ariel
3 Daburds 4 Slayers Jongleur Ariel
4 Dinol 3 Wargar Battlerager Hill dwarf
5 Pardo 3 Knighthood Confessor Human
6 Aymer 2 Conclave Invoker Shalonesti elf
7 Tsuji 2 Bloodlust Pirate Orc
8 Bonga 2 Slayers Barbarian Bugbear
9 Ulyssus 2 Conclave Illusionist Human
10 Ruaqheix 2 Dragon Dragon Steel dragon
11 Z'szytheis 1 Slayers Assassin Bakali
12 Branzol 1 Justice Paladin Human
13 Gares 1 Wargar Battlerager Hill dwarf
14 Higgins 1 Wargar Shaman Dark dwarf
15 Sasahmel 1 Demon Demon Demon
16 Thindyss 1 Conclave Mentalist Dark elf
17 Lochlan 1 Conclave Invoker Pixie
18 Gladrim 1 Shadow Shadowmage Human
19 Alazanor 1 Justice Armsman Minotaur
20 Goltarus 1 Wargar Battlerager Hill dwarf

Algoron Gladiator League

Erok - (11 - 5) Orc Pirate from Bloodlust

Shaik, (30 - 2) Pixie Necromancer from Red Robes

Current Top 10 Contenders

Rank Name Record Race and Class Affiliation
1 Dinol (18 - 3) Hill Dwarf Battlerager Wargar
2 Piknim (15 - 0) Kender Witch Verminasia
3 Tobryck (17 - 23) Giant Ogre Crusader Bloodlust
4 Pardo (9 - 4) Human Confessor Knighthood
5 Gares (12 - 8) Hill Dwarf Battlerager Wargar
6 Maccus (28 - 42) Human Skald Shadow
7 Z'szytheis (13 - 2) Bakali Assassin Chaos
8 Mruz (7 - 7) Ogre Crusader Slayers
9 Agarwood (8 - 1) Arboren Priest New Thalos
10 Thuken (7 - 6) Mountain Dwarf Priest Wargar



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