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Gladiator League (AGL)

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The Gladiator League of Algoron is a combat based league for spectators from around the four continents.  The League's owner, Baron Randorf Del'nichi, has taken bids from Kingdoms on where to host this new league. Althainia has won the bidding for 225 jeweled eggs.

The gladiator league is unique, as all World and Team Championship matches are to the death. (perm death) Normal matches and tournaments are not permanent death. But if someone can remain the champion long enough, there are many perks to being champion.  Champions not only make a kingdoms fortune for matches won, but they also get to reside in a large expensive mansion equipped with their own servants, stables and portals.  They get to choose their own mounts among many other pampered offerings.  Instant popularity will surround the Algoron champion. All champions throughout history will be forever remembered by a solid gold stature of their image in the Hall of Champions. Since all championship fights are to the death, only the bravest and most talented fighters enter into a championship match.

When you sign up for the AGL, you ARE potentially signing away your life.  Once entered, your character can NOT leave without death unless you are granted mercy in a Championship match, or unless they complete 10 successful championship defenses.  Failure to participate for more than 3 months can lead to your execution.


Erok, (11 - 5) Orc Pirate from Bloodlust

Shaik, (30 - 2) Pixie Necromancer from Red Robes

Shaik, (30 - 2) Pixie Necromancer from Red Robes

Raspitin, (5 - 3) Hobgoblin Monk from New Thalos

Current Top 10

Rank Name Record Race and Class Affiliation
1 Dinol (18 - 3) Hill Dwarf Battlerager Wargar
2 Piknim (14 - 0) Kender Witch Verminasia
3 Tobryck (17 - 23) Giant Ogre Crusader Bloodlust
4 Pardo (9 - 4) Human Confessor Knighthood
5 Gares (12 - 8) Hill Dwarf Battlerager Wargar
6 Maccus (28 - 42) Human Skald Shadow
7 Z'szytheis (13 - 2) Bakali Assassin Chaos
8 Mruz (7 - 7) Ogre Crusader Slayers
9 Agarwood (8 - 1) Arboren Priest New Thalos
10 Thuken (7 - 6) Mountain Dwarf Priest Wargar

View Existing Gladiator Records


Check Records by Class, Race and Clan or Kingdom

SIGN UP TO ENTER THE AGL!  (Level 51's Only)


Maxx (11-2) Yinn Assassin - Slayers 4 Title Defenses
Nashkell (6-3) Human Warlock - Althainia 0 Title Defenses
Torin (13-0) Human Warlock - Nordmaar 5 Title Defenses
Mantaroth (18-1) Minotaur Invoker - Renegade 4 Title Defenses
Rumondo (15-4) Human Warlock - Marauders 4 Title Defenses
Belamur (17-3) Mul Warlock - Wargar 4 Title Defenses
Antalya (33-21) Wild Elf Priest - Shalonesti 0 Title Defenses
Darlen (39-18) Yinn Assassin - Justice 1 Title Defense
Manih (19 - 8) Mul Skald - Wargar 2 Title Defenses
Bodrum (24 - 8) Dark Dwarf Necromancer - Black Robes 1 Title Defense
Dxutim (19 - 3) Minotaur Invoker - Black Robes 4 Title Defenses
Dallatar Shalonesti Elf Bladesinger - Shalonesti Clan Apr 14, 2001 - September 28, 2001
Bupu Goblin Invoker - Black Robes September 28, 2001 - February 23, 2002
Shan'lin Human Priest - Nordmaar February 23, 2002 - August 31st, 2004
Rhezcal Hill Dwarf Battlerager - Wargar August 31st 2004 - October 7th 2004
Adrithorn Sea Elf Bladesinger - Shalonesti October 7th 2004 -November 23rd, 2004
Aristad Human Warlock - Shadow November 23rd, 2004 - December 9th, 2004
Reklah Human Shadowknight - Shadow December 9th, 2004 - February 10th, 2005
Mantaroth Minotaur Invoker - Black Robes February 10th, 2005 - March 1st, 2005
Aearin Human Paladin - Arkane March 1st, 2005 -
Ilusen Human Shadowknight - Shadow (won tournament final over Dacieus)
Grushg Giant Ogre Barbarian - Justice  
Belamur Mul Warlock - Wargar  
Antalya Wild Elf Priest - Shalonesti  
Gowwap Minotaur Invoker - Marauders  
Darlen Yinn Assassin - Justice  
Imrahith Human Shadowknight - Shadow
Tugrath Hill Dwarf Battlerager - Wargar  
Darlen Yinn Assassin - Justice  
Throxten Mul Battlerager - Wargar  
Azula Human Druid - Althainia  
Dextir Hobgoblin Invoker - Black Robes  
Tarion Goblin Warlock - Dolund'ir September 1, 2001 - September 28, 2001
Shan'lin Human Priest - Nordmaar September 28, 2001 - February 13, 2002
Ahnghar Goblin Assassin - Arkane February 13, 2002 - June 26th, 2002
Terenas Half Ogre Crusader - New Thalos June 26, 2002 - June 29, 2002
Eteiseth Wemic Warrior - Verminasia June 29, 2002 - June 15th, 2004
Rumondo Human Warlock - Marauders December 21st, 2005 -
Jorthus Yinn Monk - Verminasia
Jiraiyan Hill Dwarf Druid - Thaxanos (won in tournament final over Iliot)
Zaxr Hobgoblin Witch - New Thalos  
Chieron (9-1) Goblin Barbarian - Gypsy September 28, 2001 - December 15, 2001
Katzuhiro (12-5) Human Assassin - Malice December 15, 2001 - March 8, 2002
Kan'ti (5-1) Yinn Priest - Eclipse March 8, 2002 - June 29, 2002
Rhaiden (4-2) Shalonesti Elf - White Robes April 2, 2005 -
Darlen Yinn Assassin - Justice (won tournament final over Tugrath)
Antalya Wild Elf Priest - Shalonesti
Manih Mul Skald - Wargar
Vetter Minotaur Necromancer - Red Robes
AGL Team Champions:
(Spits & Giggles) (3-0) Padania (Human Transmuter)
Ahnghar (Goblin Assassin) - Arkane
August 11, 2001 - June 29th, 2004



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